- 20.09.04: first edition
- 24.09.04: TA Bern raised to 6000 ft
- 15.10.04: Bern SID BALIR, BERSU, ESEVA renumbered, Zurich ILS 34,
- 17.12.04: Sion ILS IGS Rwy 25 minimum changed
- 01.04.05: Zurich all RNAV-STAR & RNAV-SID completely revised or new; Sion IGS Rwy 25 minimum & track changed
- 08.04.05: St.Gallen: div. RNAV-SIDs renumbered; Zurich: Minimums
- 01.07.05: New airports Dubendorf, Emmen, Payerne (coord. ILS-DME-GP missed), Geneva minimums changed
- 29.07.05: Grenchen Ground frequency established
- 14.10.05: St. Gallen: ILS minimum changed
- 03.03.06: Zurich: all VEBIT RNAV SIDs renumbered & revised
- 17.03.06: Geneva: SIDs revised
- 02.06.06: Geneva: Minimum VOR Rwy 05 changed
- 28.07.06: Geneva: RNAV STAR & Transitions new
- 20.10.06: Zurich: ILS Rwy 28 established; (GPS) VOR approaches completely revised
- 17.11.06: Geneva: STARs, SIDs, Approaches completely revised
- GPS data for G1000 added
- 09.03.07:
- Bern: SIDs renumbered; Geneva: STARs renumbered, GG520 coordinates
- Grenchen: SIDs renumbered & revised, VOR Rwy 25 revised, minimum
- Les Eplatures: STARs & SIDs renumbered & revised, bearings
- 06.04.07: Basle-Mulhouse: SIDs completely redesignated, withdrawn, transferred & established; Rwy 26 established
- 27.04.07: Geneva: RNAV STAR BELUS established; SID renumbered & revised
- 27.07.07: Zurich: SIDs ZUE-1F, 2L, DEGES 1F, 1L, SONGI 1F, 1L renumbered 2F, 2L & revised; Minimum LOC (GS out) RWY 16
- 17.08.07: Bern: Variation
- 16.11.07:
- Basle-Mulhouse: new ILS Rwy 34
- Les Eplatures: Variation, Minimums, STARs & SIDs renumbered & revised
- 01.01.08: No support for Garmin 155 anymore
- 08.02.08: Bern: STARs & SIDs completely revised
- 21.03.08: Basle: STAR LUMEL 8K from KONOL withdrawn
- 18.04.08: Emmen: ME101 INS coords.
- 25.04.08: Geneva: variation
- 02.05.08:
- Bern: SIDs completely renumbered & revised, NDB Y rwy 14 established
- Lugano: airport completely revised, variation
- 23.05.08: Basle: ILS minimum Rwy 34; Zurich: LOC (GS out) minimum Rwy 14
- 18.07.08: St.Gallen: SID SITOR 1L renamed SITOR 1N
- 12.09.08: Basle: Rwy designation; Bern: completely revised
- 28.11.08: Payerne: Arrival frequency, Variation
- 05.12.08: Geneva: Variation, bearings, Minima
- 09.01.09: Bern: ILS Rwy 14: DA(H)
- 23.01.09: Bern: LOC (GS out) Rwy 14: MDA(H)
- 27.03.09: Lugano: ORI VOR repaced by BEG VOR
- 03.04.09: Emmen: WIL SIDs renumbered & revised
- 22.05.09:
- Grenchen: all SIDs renumbered, revised & withdrawn
- St.Gallen: ALGOI RNAV SIDs replaced by BEMKI
- 29.05.09: Geneva: STARs revised
- 28.08.09: Bern: rwy length
- 16.10.09: Geneva: SRA Rwy 05 minimum
- 11.12.09: Dubendorf: new tower frequency 118.97
- 29.01.10: Zurich: Communications, minimum
- 05.02.10: Dubendorf minimums; Geneva new apron frq
- 05.03.10:
- Geneva: all SIDs renumbered & revised
- St. Gallen: all STARs & SIDs renumbered & revised, variation, minimums
- 02.04.10: Zurich: new RNAV transitions, ILS routings all Rwy revised
- 24.09.10:
- Grenchen: variation, NDB withdrawn
- Dubendorf, Emmen & Payerne withdrawn
- 10.12.10: Basle-Mulhouse: LOC (GS out) Rwy 33 minimum
- 01.01.11: Umstellung auf High Precision Data (HPD)
- 27.05.11: Basle-Mulhouse: STAR SEDOR 8K withdrawn
- 19.08.11: Zurich: Communication (ZURICH Arrival 131.15)
- 14.10.11: Geneva: SIDs revised & renumbered
- 11.11.11: Sion: new STAR procedures; IGS revised (eff. 17.11.11)
- 24.02.12: Zurich: several SIDs renumbered & revised
- 23.03.12: Basle-Mulhouse: variation
- 25.05.12: Lugano: SIDs CANNE 9W & OMETO 9W renumbered & revised
- 14.09.12: Zurich: ATIS frequency
- 05.10.12: Sion: SIDs GOLEB, ROCCA & SPR renumbered
- 02.11.12: Zurich: RNAV SID VEBIT 1K revised
- 07.12.12: Lugano: STARs & SIDs renumbered & revised, new ILS/DME freq., variation; minimums, VOR/DME Malpensa new freq. & ident
- 14.12.12: Geneva: communication ground south
- 11.01.13: Grenchen: VOR Rwy 25 tracks revised
- 22.02.13: Bern: variation, bearings
- 01.03.13: Bern: radial/track updates
- 19.07.13: Grenchen: RNAV (GNSS) Rwy 25 revised, LPV prepared
- 27.09.13: Grenchen: Bern approach freq added 127.32
- 29.11.13:
- Les Eplatures: new RNAV STAR ARPUS 1E established
- Zurich: new minimum ILS Rwy 28
- 06.12.13: Basle: RNAV STAR ARPUS 1E established
- 31.01.14: Basle: STR SIDs revised, new RNAV SIDs BASUD, ELBEG, HOC, LUMEL established
- 21.02.14:
- Genf: DELMO renamed SUBUS
- Grenchen: BINGI renamed NEMAG
- Les Eplatures: GC707 replaced by DEKAM; DELMO replaced by SUBUS
- 07.03.14: St. Gallen: Tower frequency
- 09.05.14: Zurich: some SIDs rwy 10 withdrawn
- 30.05.14: Zurich: some SIDs rwy 10 re-instated
- 13.06.14: Zurich: SIDs ALIBIX 1R, WILLISAU 2R & ZURICH EAST 1R renumbered
- 15.08.14: Basle-Mulhouse: all SIDs renumbered & revised
- 03.10.14: Zurich: Communication, bearings, new procedure GLS rwy 14
- 14.11.14: Zurich: SID charts reindexed
- 05.12.14: Zurich: charts RNAV Transitions reindexed; variation
- 12.12.14:
- Bern: Delivery freq established
- Geneva: SRA minimums
- 23.01.15: Sion: ATIS
- 22.05.15: Zurich: Waypoint ZH279 renamed ZH281
- 19.06.15: Zurich: RNAV TRANSITIONs NavData idents revised
- 04.09.15: Zurich: minimums
- 11.09.15: Payerne: RNAV STAR, SIDs & LPV approach rwy 23 established
- 09.10.15:
- Geneva: DEPUL SIDs renumbered
- Zurich: several SIDs renumbered & revised
- 30.10.15:
- Geneva: LPV approaches established
- St. Gallen: STAR ROLSA renumbered & revised
- Zurich: several STARs renumbered
- 27.11.15: Les Eplatures: minimums
- 04.12.15: Basle: variation, new RNAV procedure Rwy 15 & 33
- 25.12.15: Basle: RNAV SIDs BASUD 6P, ELBEG 6P, HOC 6P, LUMUL 6P radial update
- 18.03.16: Zurich: RNAV STAR KELIP 2G renumbered & revised
- 12.08.16:
- Basle-Mulhouse: HOC decomissioned, all HOC SIDs withdrawn
- Geneva: MOLUS upgraded to RNAV flyover waypoint
- Zurich: SIDs revised
- 30.09.16: Zurich: RNAV-Transitions AMIKI 28&34, RILAX 28&34 revised
- 07.10.16: Payerne: ILS Rwy 05&23 established
- 04.11.16: Geneve: SIROD SID renumbered & revised
- 02.12.16: Lugano: COMM freq 122.55 Lugano tower established
- 23.12.16: Payerne: LPV minimum rwy 23
- 20.01.17: Payerne: LPV minimum rwy 23
- 10.03.17: Lugano: SRN NDB added
- 12.05.17: Zurich: LPV 14 established
- 19.05.17: Basle-Mulhouse: minimums rwy 15
- 14.07.17:
- Basle-Mulhouse: minimums rwy 15 LOC (GS out)
- Grenchen: RWY designation changed; SIDs renumbered
- 29.09.17: Genf: RNAV STAR BELUS renumbered & revised; no coord of RILTI, wpt calculated
- 24.11.17: Grenchen: SIDs renumbered & revised; minimum VOR rwy 24
- 12.01.18: All COM-Frequencies now with 3 decimals
- 26.01.18:
- Basle-Mulhouse: runway length, minimum GS-out
- Les Eplatures: new procedure LPV Rwy 06
- 13.04.18: Sion: runway length
- 20.04.18: Geneva: BELUS STAR renumered & revised
- 07.09.18: Geneva: variation, RWY designation, tracks, minimums
- 26.10.18:
- Bern: ATIS freqency
- Geneva: ATIS freqency, communication
- St. Gallen: ATIS freqency
- Sion: ATIS freqency, communication
- 02.11.18:
- Lugano: Ground freq withdrawn, Delivery freq added; minimums
- St. Gallen: ATIS freqency, communication
- Sion: communication
- Zurich: communications
- 09.11.18:
- Bern: communication
- Geneva: communications
- Payerne: communication
- Zurich: communications
- 25.01.19: Basle-Mulhouse: all RNAV-SIDs new
- 15.03.19:
- Basle-Mulhouse: communications
- Zurich: RNAV-SIDs VEBIT 3H, -3N, DEGES 4F, -4L revised
- 22.03.19: Geneve: several STARs & SIDs renumbered & revised
- 29.03.19: Basle-Mulhouse: communication
- 10.05.19: Lugano: SID CANNE 2U renumbered; ILS GP-inop minimum withdrawn
- 05.07.19: Basle-Mulhouse: STAR ARPUS 1E withdrawn
- 25.10.19: Payerne: minimums
- 01.11.19: Payerne: RNAV SIDs renumbered & revised
- 29.11.19: Samedan: new airport
- 06.12.19: Grenchen: communications